There are many different systems available to keep your pool clean, so you do not have to worry about an algae buildup. There are benefits to be gained with both a salt and chlorine system.
Salt water systems do contain a tiny bit of chlorine, but the primary component is salt. Many homeowners prefer this type of system because it is less harsh on the skin, and it is not going to fade swimwear as quickly. Additionally, most people would say that
salt water pools smell better. The one thing to consider is that acquiring a salt water generator can be costly upfront.
Chlorine pools are much more affordable to get initially, but they are a little harder to maintain. For starters, you need to be mindful of the pH balance you have in your pool. A balance between 7.2 and 7.6 is ideal. Additionally, you will also need to shock your pool regularly with a chlorine system. This needs to be done once every few weeks so that any lingering bacteria will be eliminated.
At the end of the day, it really comes down to personal preference and how much work you want to put into your pool. Find all the things you could possibly need for your pool by calling Sequoya Swimming Pools at 865-584-6801.